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  • Why did we go to a new website in 2024
    Our old website, while functional, was old, and the effort and cost to maintain is was increasing. The new website is built on a platform that should be much easier to maintain, especially for someone without a lot of website experience. The new website will also be simpler, with less content. The content that had built up over the years with the old site, made its slow. The new site is quicker to load and get around. Our hope is that we will be able to more easily transition the webmaster duties to another member willing to assume this role in the future.
  • Where is the log in link?
    Top left corner, or click on the Member's Area and you'll be asked to log in.
  • I'm confused. Can't find what I'm looking for on the site?
    Try entering some key words in the search box in the top of each page.
  • I need to contact a club officer or coordinator. How do I do that?
    You can find a contact form on the "About Us" page. Just scroll down. That form will send an email to the webmaster. The officers are shown with their photographs and below there is a tabbed section with the various committees and the names of the coordinators. We don't put their contact information on this page because the page is public. To contact officers and coordinators directly, members can log into the website and find the contact information for these officers and coordinators on the first Members Area page...scroll down.
  • I set up my ID and password for the website and am still being told that I don't have access to certain pages.
    Have you paid your annual club dues? Membership expires annually, year after you paid. You should be getting a reminder. If you have paid and are still having trouble then use the webmaster contact form on the About Us page.
  • What are the benefits of Membership?
    We hope many. Here are a few: Be a part of a special community: probably the hardest thing to describe and quantify is that you'll be part of a special group of your neighbors. We all love photography and learn from each other. This benefit is not only about learning photography, but we also enjoy each other's company in many of our social gatherings. Field Trips: Join our field trips. If you dream one up you can contact our events coordinator and suggest it. Even better offer to lead it. Trips: Join us on club trips. Want to help or lead a club trip? Step up. Suggest one and get going. Workshops: Our workshops are generally public, but do you know who learns the most at workshops? It’s the teacher. Contact the workshops coordinator to plan and conduct your own. Club positions: once a year our board members and officers go through the same ritual. Many of us would like to step aside but can’t think of anyone who’s voluntarily stepped forward to express an interest. Our club only works because some members step up. Look at our “who we are” page. Chip in. Our Mailing list is a critical tool for communicating with our members. You'll be on our mailing list and get a heads up on all our events and activities. Special Interest Groups: Our club has had a couple of “SIG's” over the years. We currently have only one group; our Post Processing SIG. This group meets monthly to talk about what you do to your images after (post) you’ve taken them. Some photographers do nothing, we’re not a group for those people. If you do anything from editing, to culling and organizing, to printing, to posting then this group might be for you. We’re not a workshop series to teach post processing but we will dive into all sorts of different software and techniques. We get together to discuss and teach each other. Most meeting are online (Zoom). The join our PP SIG contact our webmaster. If you’d like to see another SIG form bring it up to our president. SIG’s can be almost anything photography related. Birding, travel, camera (Canon, Nikon …), studio, etc. We’ll help you try to get your SIG rolling. Share and Learn: We share images with each other every month at our meetings. Here is your chance to show off, and/or simply learn from others. Website Member Content: As a paid-up member you'll have access to exclusive content on the website, including as of this writing, The Membership directory, our mentor program, Locations and suggestions for photo opportunities around the Houston area, a list of member recommended tour companies and photo guides, and finally access to recorded videos from our past monthly speaker series. Site Chat: As a member you can participate in the chat groups on the website. Through that function you'll be in contact with other club members.
  • How do I become a member?
    Simply click on the "Become a Member" page and follow the instructions. You'll be taken to a page to set up your ID and password, then to another page offering you are two membership types, individual and family. Chose which one you want, pay through our payment provider, PayPal, and you're good to go. You should receive an email confirming your annual membership subscription. Here is a video showing you how it works....(coming)
  • How long is my membership period?
    We have annual memberships that renew every year. You should get a reminder from our website when you membership renewal is due.
  • I have a Family members and want another member of my family to have website access.
    We can manually add members to the website. If you have another member of your family who needs website access (they still get all the other benefits), then use the contact form on the "About Us" page and ask the webmaster to add this member. They'll have full access.
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