As you renew your memberships on the old website, I'm manually adding your information to the new site so you'll have access to both sites! It might look a little confusings, and for that I apologize. Your renewal (or new membership) on the old site will send you a notice of payment, then a while later, when I manually add you to the new site, you'll get another notice thanking you for joining. In fact you'll probably get two notices, one thanking you for joining the new site and another for "paying" your membership. That second notice of payment is the result of my entering your as paid up....not another payment!
The reason we're going though this gyration is that our board has decided to postpone the new site start up uptil sometime next year when it can be reviewed.
Meanwhile you can access the old site at and the new one at I will eventually redirect all traffic to the new site, so both Domains will work.